I can help.
My interest in words and how they work has taken me places: to L.A., where a magnanimous Variety editor gave me my first crack at a national publication. To D.C., where I walked alongside WWII vets seeing their memorial for the first time. I’ve moved from sunny Austin, Texas to incomparable New York City and back home to Kansas, where I am now. I’ve written stories true and not, for brands and for myself. I am lucky to have turned my love of stories into the way I fill my days.

The best stories change us.
Whether in a short-form blog post, a photo-and-insight heavy e-book, or a long-form video script, I work to tell the kind of stories that change how the people hearing them trust the brand telling them. In my own fiction, and in the fiction I read every day, I look for emotional truth, which upon finding, you can't hide from—and which changes you from the inside out.
"If I had more time, I would've written a shorter letter."
— Blaise Pascal